July 24, 2009

The MMS week...=]

hey all..ni ak nk post ak pny diary b4 this...[yg ak taip dlm mic.word]..

July 5th 2009

Owhhh...it’s been awhile since i last type on my keyboard..huuu..i miss my blog damn much..all the taklimats

during the MMS week was a bit boring..but the PMs were all nice...some of them were funny,but some of them

looked strict..well,im not blaming them for it..they’re just doing their job..hahaa...met lotsa people with lotsa

karenah..hahaa...funny ones,annoyed ones,lovely ones,gorgeous ones..HAHAHA..

During LDK,i was in group 10...handled by kak Ummi Did and kak Aina[they’re the PMs]..i met new friends

thru this..kak syidah,sabri a.k.a sabbb!,mia,azizi,wawa,kak husna,eju,taha,syafiq,mahadhil[not sure of the

spelling],amir,ikmal,ermmm..banyakk sih!gilakk mau ingt sumaa...we’re all 33 rite?forgot laa...

During our first LDK,we were asked to introduce ourselves using our own trademark..[owhh..ini pgalaman yg

mguji daya ingatan...]hahahaa...n we were asked to remember our friends’s trademark as well and presented

in front of the group...huu..[maluu sih!]but i did quite well..dgn bantuan rakan2 laa..ehehee...

Then,our 2nd LDK,we were asked to built our own university...hahaa..this one was a bit kelam kabut cuz ms

yg dberi hnya 3minit![it was some sort of presentation] n our university was called ‘UNIVERSITY

KAYANGAN’..hhaaa..jenis university kami ialah university terapung!kne cipta rules and keistimewaan

university kita sdiri..n promote to all..hahaa..memang gilee r idea kitorang..hahaa..i remembered some of the

rules like xbleh buang air sbb tkt terkena manusia2 di bumi..n the keistimewaan plak,like there’s no kesesakan

lalu lintas,and myediakan tmpt utk commit suicide..terjun je ke bumi..[ini idea eju..] gileee r ko..!hahaa

Then,our 3rd LDK,our presentation was about money management..hahaa...this one agak boring


Then,our 4th LDK,we played “pulau terasing”..[not sure of the name too] hahhaaa..game ini memerlukan kami

utk hug rakan kita se-erat2 nyaaa..hahhaa...nasibla sape yg hug ak,rasalah tulang belulangku..hahahaa...

Then our 5th LDK a.k.a the final LDK,we did something to perform during the malam

kebudayaan..hhaaa...performance kami sgtlah hebat..hahhaa..KOYAAAA..

After all,living in puncak perdana is great..[let’s just forget the part that we’re hulu enough to go outing]


Till then!

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