im home...again!hahaha...
cnt wait for this year's raya..i dunno y..but i kinda have feelings that this year's goin to b a blast!hahahaa
today...buat temujanji dgn abg guwe yg berada di uniten ituu..utk pulang togeder2...hahaha...
flite kami pkul 340 pm..we promised to meet each other at ktm batu 3..then,head to kl sentral then akhirnya ke lcct..
* pkul 930++ am,ktm batu 3 *
me : [why is everbody's staring at me as if im an alien?]
then,i saw some of them asyik look thru the bags n the luggage that i brought along wif me..
then,i realized..rupa2nya mreka tkezut mlihat barang2 guwe yg bnyk itu..
[banyak kah?]
janji nga kupihs[my bro] nk jumpe kat ktm tu..
tggu pny tggu...smbil bersms dgn 2 jejaka yg ak sayangi..
dont get me wrong ok...
they're my bro n my kura2!hehee...
at last,smpai gak my bro..
bli tiket utk ke kl sentral...i cud say that if i were to calculate or to measure the distance that we've walked today,i think it had reached 3km with a cramped legs n hands akibat berdiri terlampau lama kat dlm ktm n memikul beg yg telampau berat..
n sorry pihs,bcuz of me u have to carry all those heavy bags yg i bwk..
i promis,nex time dh x nak bwk lg brg bnyk2..heee...
[bleh pcaya kahh?]
* pkul 12++pm *
on our way to lcct...naik aerobus..instead of skybus..ahhahaa..
kupihs said he's gonna sleep 4 the entire pjalanan nk g ke lcct tu,
alih2...dh dpt adik yg bnyk mulot n mmg xtahu masa nk berhenti bercakap,
maka terpaksalah dia membuang masanya melayan karenah adiknya yg entah hapa2 itu td..hahaha...
* pkul 1++pm *
reached lcct..
jalan2 cr tmpt utk berehat..
cuz we're running out of energy..
so,we nid a place to rest ourselves b4 continue the journey til we reach kb.. kura2 called..
kura2 : helo..tgh buat pe tu?
me : tgh tggu nk check in..kat lcct..
kura2 : oow...dh smpai ek?duk kat mn tu?kat terminal dia ek?
me : kot..[ak masih xlayak utk mjd gps terhebat di telipot]
then my bro and i went off utk mcri tmpt2 yg strategik utk brehat while searching for kdai yg mjual newspapers..[my bro was damn boring,so he wanted to read papers]
tgh jalan2....terlihat satu kelibat berpakaian serba kehitaman...
holding a black helmet..
dgn muka yg seolah2 tercari2 sesuatu...
alih2....terfikir sejenak..
me : [eh2...muka die ni,ade iras ngan si kura2..]
while pointing my fingers towards him..
kemudian...he turned back..
[agaknya die terdgr kata2 hati atau naluriku]
then,he smiled at me in all of a sudden..
i was like......."ookayy...whats that about?"
then i read something on his shirts...
tertera perkataan :
makkk aiiiiiiiiihh!!!it rily is KURAA2!!!OMG...
i was quite speechless when i finally knew that it was really him..
i thot it was only a clone of him..heheee...[akibat 3bulan tidak bertemu]
rupa2nya....die dh plan awal2 nk g lcct cuz he knew i'll be there with my bro..
agak terharu cuz he never went this far to meet me..
it was his first time riding alone to lcct..dhla xtau jalan,main ikut signboard je..
n i've spent like an hour with him..snapping pics..enjoying moments wlupon daku agak speeechless ketika itu..
kerana masih terkejut besar cuz i never thot that he wud go there just to wave me gudbye at the airport..
cnt wait for this year's raya..i dunno y..but i kinda have feelings that this year's goin to b a blast!hahahaa
today...buat temujanji dgn abg guwe yg berada di uniten ituu..utk pulang togeder2...hahaha...
flite kami pkul 340 pm..we promised to meet each other at ktm batu 3..then,head to kl sentral then akhirnya ke lcct..
* pkul 930++ am,ktm batu 3 *
me : [why is everbody's staring at me as if im an alien?]
then,i saw some of them asyik look thru the bags n the luggage that i brought along wif me..
then,i realized..rupa2nya mreka tkezut mlihat barang2 guwe yg bnyk itu..
[banyak kah?]
janji nga kupihs[my bro] nk jumpe kat ktm tu..
tggu pny tggu...smbil bersms dgn 2 jejaka yg ak sayangi..
dont get me wrong ok...
they're my bro n my kura2!hehee...
at last,smpai gak my bro..
bli tiket utk ke kl sentral...i cud say that if i were to calculate or to measure the distance that we've walked today,i think it had reached 3km with a cramped legs n hands akibat berdiri terlampau lama kat dlm ktm n memikul beg yg telampau berat..
n sorry pihs,bcuz of me u have to carry all those heavy bags yg i bwk..
i promis,nex time dh x nak bwk lg brg bnyk2..heee...
[bleh pcaya kahh?]
* pkul 12++pm *
on our way to lcct...naik aerobus..instead of skybus..ahhahaa..
kupihs said he's gonna sleep 4 the entire pjalanan nk g ke lcct tu,
alih2...dh dpt adik yg bnyk mulot n mmg xtahu masa nk berhenti bercakap,
maka terpaksalah dia membuang masanya melayan karenah adiknya yg entah hapa2 itu td..hahaha...
* pkul 1++pm *
reached lcct..
jalan2 cr tmpt utk berehat..
cuz we're running out of energy..
so,we nid a place to rest ourselves b4 continue the journey til we reach kb.. kura2 called..
kura2 : helo..tgh buat pe tu?
me : tgh tggu nk check in..kat lcct..
kura2 : oow...dh smpai ek?duk kat mn tu?kat terminal dia ek?
me : kot..[ak masih xlayak utk mjd gps terhebat di telipot]
then my bro and i went off utk mcri tmpt2 yg strategik utk brehat while searching for kdai yg mjual newspapers..[my bro was damn boring,so he wanted to read papers]
tgh jalan2....terlihat satu kelibat berpakaian serba kehitaman...
holding a black helmet..
dgn muka yg seolah2 tercari2 sesuatu...
alih2....terfikir sejenak..
me : [eh2...muka die ni,ade iras ngan si kura2..]
while pointing my fingers towards him..
kemudian...he turned back..
[agaknya die terdgr kata2 hati atau naluriku]
then,he smiled at me in all of a sudden..
i was like......."ookayy...whats that about?"
then i read something on his shirts...
tertera perkataan :
makkk aiiiiiiiiihh!!!it rily is KURAA2!!!OMG...
i was quite speechless when i finally knew that it was really him..
i thot it was only a clone of him..heheee...[akibat 3bulan tidak bertemu]
rupa2nya....die dh plan awal2 nk g lcct cuz he knew i'll be there with my bro..
agak terharu cuz he never went this far to meet me..
it was his first time riding alone to lcct..dhla xtau jalan,main ikut signboard je..
n i've spent like an hour with him..snapping pics..enjoying moments wlupon daku agak speeechless ketika itu..
kerana masih terkejut besar cuz i never thot that he wud go there just to wave me gudbye at the airport..
KAMU,tengs a bunch for accompany-ing me dkat lcct td time kupihs pegi smayang..
KAMU masih si kura2 yg sama..
the small yet adorable lovin ittt...heheee
KAMU masih si kura2 yg sama..
the small yet adorable lovin ittt...heheee

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