April 11, 2011

what kind of a guy would u be if u were to leave me when i need u the most

ooohh ohhhh i just love this song !
what are words by chris medina .

i heard this song a month ago and i almost fall in love with it . but this evening , i watched the video on youtube and guess what ? IM TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS SONGGGGGG ! im the kind of girl who usually fall for a song based on their melody , not for their lyrics .

but after i watched the video , the love gets deeper and yes , i cried when i first watched the video . i wasnt sad , but more to touched . i would be the most lucky girl if i were to have a bf / hubby like chris medina .

his gf suffers brain injury from an accident and he still sit by her side though she is completely different now . well lets just hope that her gf will get well soon . if you watch the video , you'll clearly get the message . he was crying while recording the song . CHRIS MEDINA CRIED WHEN HE RECORDED THE SONG ! how loving is that huh ?

M.E ! u should , no .. u MUST watch the video :)

okay im off to sleep ! oh and by the waaaayy , kelas FAR300 besok cancel ! wippiwooopppppp!

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