..khas utk MOHD EQBAL..
dec 18th 2009,genaplah usia 18 thn buat my darlim yg kecil molek itu...kecil tp cute dan cumil gituu!!ahahahaa...[bodek2]
daaa boleyy tgk cite2 adults daa...wakkakaka..juz kdim..i wasnt supporting him ok..just for a joke,to tell u that he is already 18..u know all those adults scene are written 18sg,18sx or whatsoever alphabet..ahhahaa...dont get me wrong ok..
HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY my honey po!
[note that,the name honey po is given to him by me from the character of 'PO' in my used-to-be fav tv programs..TELETUBBIES...hakhak..]
alaa..yg kaler merahhh n yg paling kecil dan CUMIL itu..hahahahaa...it suits u well sayang..=D

just wanna go thru back the memories we shared together..all the ups and downs we've been thru..owhh...
- thanks for giving ur love n heart to me..hoho
- thanks for being there for me especially when i need u the most..
- thanks for being so honest with me..eventho sumtimes it's quite hard for me to accept it..but what can i say,honesty is the best policy..im glad u have that in u!
- thanks for teaching me how to use the clutch..[u know how 'kalut' i am when handling the clutch]
- thanks for calming me when i was scolded by umi..sy nakal,yey!ahhahaa
- thanks for teaching me how to play bowling
- thanks for always try to find the lightest bowling ball for me,cuz u know i cnt hold heavy things,cuz my hand will get shaky and bla3..ahhaha
- thanks for saving me n my sis from getting attacked by a snake..i know u're not into snakes,but the way u act,it shows how much u love me..u put ur feelings away just to make sure that i was save from the snakes..
- thanks for the surprise u gave me at the lcct..i didnt expect u wud do it for me..
- thanks for lending me ur shoulder while we were watching movies at tgv seremban..i got scared,i mean too scared til i accidentally push ur shoulder like a couple of times..[it's weird, i know,u get scared,u push sum1's else shoulder..ahaha..what the fish]
- thanks for the little kura2 u gave me..i named it "tott" from the character of wonderpets..u know,tott the tortoise!hahaha
- thanks for always listen to my 'sound effect'..hehee..[burping and whatsoever]
- thanks for accepting me just the way i am..
- thanks for 'jogging' with me..eventho i was walking all the time,n u kept on saying "cam ni rupenye bdk pompuan joging" heeee...
- thanks for the watch u gave me..[too sad,it's not functioning well anymore..sorry baby..=( ]
- thanks for the not-so-bangle u gave me..im wearing it now,n i never take it off from my wrist..it'll always be at my wrist...forever
- thanks cuz u're willing to walk and shop with me for hours,u know im a shopaholic!eheh..
- thanks for taking care of the beans that i asked u to plant..
and lastly,thank you for everything,including the one i didnt mention up there..ahahaa..kalau ade la..hehhee...
tooku hanareteru hodo ni,
chikaku ni kanjiteru
chikaku ni kanjiteru
i like this japanese quotes..i told u this once,but im not sure whether u still rmbr the meaning or not..if xtau,msg la sy ye..x msg i sekeh2,pulah2,puk2,nga plepim2 u nati..ahahhahaa..[kejam molep]
ingt nk post gmbr2 kitorang,tp cam malas plak..hahaha..nantila nex time ye..hahaaa
: till then :
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