1. Go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it
2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
3. Post that photo along with the story behind it

i snapped this when i was on my way home from classes..i went home alone if im not mistaken..ke diorang ada skali ehh?ntah..ak lupa..hahaa.,ok back to the story,jalan sorang2 ni kan boring...so this cat came across me n as usual,i'll say "hi meowww.." i know it sounds crazy but i believe that cats do know how to say hi to human..i heard it deep inside my heart..ok,sy sudah merapu..tp btul weyh!i can feel the connection when i greet them..hahahaa..bengong
me : duduk diam2..jgn lari..im trying to snap ur photo so stay calm :))
kucing : okie2..tp kalau saya pose agak2 boleyh jd model friskies takkkkk..?
me : sure..but the rejected one laaa... :D
kucing : okie2..tp kalau saya pose agak2 boleyh jd model friskies takkkkk..?
me : sure..but the rejected one laaa... :D
4. Tag lagi 8 orang rakan yang sahut cabaran ini.
sape2 yg terasa dirinya diTag,maknanya kamu diTag la tu.. ok sy dahhh mmg sleepy..
sape2 yg terasa dirinya diTag,maknanya kamu diTag la tu.. ok sy dahhh mmg sleepy..
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