what's with everyone going crazy over footballs? i mean it's just a ball rite.. adoihh.. seriously i hate world cup...i used to like 'em when i was in standard 6..n i could still remember some of the players..michael owen,david beckham,ronaldo, bla3.. tp tu duluuuuuu okay.. zaman kecik2 selalu ikut abg ak..bola la,wrestling la,n even nk potong rmbt pon ikut die..time tu kecik lagi,xtau lagi mn satu salon pompuan n laki..main redah je..janji rmbt dipotong..hahahaa..nseb baek x ikut die msk toilet je..astaghfirullahalazimm...hahahaaa..
bile nak abes matchhh nihhh.....voringgg taukkkkkk... actually im waiting for him sbenarnya..td msg die then tibe2 die ckp "i nak tgk bolaa ni.." huihh... sbr je laa..dah tu minat die..there's nothing i can do bout it...lgpon die dah bgtau awal2 dah..nanti musim world cup nih mmg die bz ngan bola..so mcm ok la..i understand....
this are some sort of rules and regulations for the girls,wife,and whoever la kot during world cup..haha..click at the image if u wanna read more.. :))
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