ngantuk tp x terasa nk tido. hmmmm .
i am tired seriously ok..tired of spreading the garlic to make garlic bread, tired of cucuk2 all those sotongssss yang menyakitkan hati sbb dgn xde perasaannya mereka2 itu telah menyerang jari2 ku dgn dakwat itam nya..bongokk.. huish.. n speaking of sotong, i br trsedar that i didnt eat any of the sotong pun.. haha.. good for u..sape suruh hang menyumpahh dkat sotong2 tuu..kan dah kenaaa murka
tomorrow im gonna have another bbq but this time, with my precious babessssss... dah boleh imagine dahh how it's going to be tomorrow nite.. msti full of laughter, screaming and shouting, n not to forget, running .. running ni xdelah yg mcm lari 100m x 4's just that there'll b one or two person yang akan jd prey and bberapa lagi akan jd the predator.. ok lah i know korang sume x brapa nk faham kan.. tmbah2 dgn prey and predator ni, mcm dlm syllabus bio pon ade jgk..yang food chain mende ntah.. ok dah!enough of ur bio cuz u wont see all those terms anymore..all u face now is the T accounts , ledger, journal , financial statement n blah3.. tp ak rinduu nk bedah katak..rinduu..nak lagi nak lagiii.... u give me 50 frogs pun ak sggup x tidur dr menghadap trial balance yang sememangnya x pernah balance tuu..
mcm mana orang boleh kata ACCOUNTS ni senang? Ya seriously blajar chemistry jaoooh lagi senang dari accounts kot.. i could still remember some of my friends cakap time ak still in dilemma xtau nk amik kos ape time spm dulu2.. "alaa akaun senang je beb,bdk2 sains mcm ko confirm ahh leh catch up " , "bg aku,dlm bnyk2 subjek, akaun yg paling senang bg aku..even sbjek bhasa pun xsemudah akaun " n bnyakk lagi komen2 diorang..i was like "really?"
when i heard them said.. but now, i still cnt click at the agree button to their comments.. i was 50-50 .. err...more like 60-40 ..hahahaa.. maybe i am still in my first year doing accountancy kot.. hmm.. wallahualamm..
ok lahh..dah penat membebel.. ak kalau dah start membebel mmg smpai ak dah ada cicit pun ak xkan stop :D heee
im off to bed now.. [bkn nk tido ok, tp nak smbung on9 kat atas katil plak..mcm best jeee..
dari td lg asyik bermain mata ngan encik bantal dan puan katil ]
i am tired seriously ok..tired of spreading the garlic to make garlic bread, tired of cucuk2 all those sotongssss yang menyakitkan hati sbb dgn xde perasaannya mereka2 itu telah menyerang jari2 ku dgn dakwat itam nya..bongokk.. huish.. n speaking of sotong, i br trsedar that i didnt eat any of the sotong pun.. haha.. good for u..sape suruh hang menyumpahh dkat sotong2 tuu..kan dah kenaaa murka
tomorrow im gonna have another bbq but this time, with my precious babessssss... dah boleh imagine dahh how it's going to be tomorrow nite.. msti full of laughter, screaming and shouting, n not to forget, running .. running ni xdelah yg mcm lari 100m x 4's just that there'll b one or two person yang akan jd prey and bberapa lagi akan jd the predator.. ok lah i know korang sume x brapa nk faham kan.. tmbah2 dgn prey and predator ni, mcm dlm syllabus bio pon ade jgk..yang food chain mende ntah.. ok dah!enough of ur bio cuz u wont see all those terms anymore..all u face now is the T accounts , ledger, journal , financial statement n blah3.. tp ak rinduu nk bedah katak..rinduu..nak lagi nak lagiii.... u give me 50 frogs pun ak sggup x tidur dr menghadap trial balance yang sememangnya x pernah balance tuu..

mcm mana orang boleh kata ACCOUNTS ni senang? Ya seriously blajar chemistry jaoooh lagi senang dari accounts kot.. i could still remember some of my friends cakap time ak still in dilemma xtau nk amik kos ape time spm dulu2.. "alaa akaun senang je beb,bdk2 sains mcm ko confirm ahh leh catch up " , "bg aku,dlm bnyk2 subjek, akaun yg paling senang bg aku..even sbjek bhasa pun xsemudah akaun " n bnyakk lagi komen2 diorang..i was like "really?"

ok lahh..dah penat membebel.. ak kalau dah start membebel mmg smpai ak dah ada cicit pun ak xkan stop :D heee
im off to bed now.. [bkn nk tido ok, tp nak smbung on9 kat atas katil plak..mcm best jeee..

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