November 30, 2010

i miss stalking some of my friends dkat friendster dulu2

malam ni kena tido more burning the midnight oil..hahaa...gaya mcm ada exam je stay up ni..hahaha...i have my own reason why i need to sleep early tonite..but still nak bagitau jugakkk..hihi..ngada2? yes i know that . haha..

actually, tomorrow im goin out with sam to get our hair done , sam nak potong rambut and me ? no, im not gonna cut my hair just yet .. but will trim a bit la kot..senang cite, cut jugak la cut tu mcm nak potong banyaaakk je sdgkan i nak trim trim tu bunyila pendek sket eventho cut is obviously shorter in terms of bilangan perkataan..eh2..huruff? ahhh whatever..

and the best part is , VINCCI is on sale now..well,not just vincci la kan..sbb skrg pun tgh Y.E.S [Year End Sale] hapee laaaagi...misii merembat 2,3 pasang kasuuut bermulaaa..i did issued this sale thingy to my mom and she just smiled. and with that , i'll take it as a greenlight :D

tp kaaaaaaaaaaaaannn......i swore not to go shopping sgt daaahh pasni...haishhh...boleh tak kalau nak postpone je dulu niat tuu? errr..hmmm.... (-___-!) buntuuuu !


  1. yeahh sale! shoping weyh jgn x shoping! nnt nyesal mcm hr tuh plak! ;p

  2. shopping? mana boleh posponed beb.YES tuh, staun skali je.mwahahah

  3. ok korg berduaaaa berjaya mem-batu api aku utk shopping laaagi..hahahaa...thankssssssssss a lot..ur opinion is very much appreciated :))

  4. nipu swore xbeli doh..jngn duk swore la klu xleh..haha

  5. far sandals n flat hk i suko sumo xdop dio xwi i beli laa tuu..hahha..
