November 19, 2010

moo moo :D

hell-O peeps .hope its not too late yet for me to wish selamat hari raya aidiladhaaaa to all muslims around the globe :D

i've been busy with all the majliss and events..ceehhh! mcm artisssss jeeehh..hahaa...from the first day of raya smpai today mmg busy..didnt have the chance to update my blog..but i did do some changes to this blog...SPOT THE DIFFERENCESS??? eheh .

oh to be honest, i wasnt quite busy today..just the first and the second day of raya jee..


woke up quite early and went to the nearby mosque which is the 'masjid telipot' to perform solat sunat hr raya....serious hati ini mmg sayu when i heard the takbir..was wondering mcm mana org yg dkat perantauan rasa when they hear the takbir..ohhh...better get myself prepared..physically and mentally!hoho..mcm dpt je fly pegi uk..hahaha

at 9.15,went back home..had roti canai for breakfast then off to the nearby village for the qurban..kawan2 yg lain mesti dh bnyak kali buat qurban , but for me , it's my first time doing this qurban thing..[well..of courselaa it wasnt me who did all the slaughter-ing ] just niat and do the akad jual beli with the owner je..normally papa yg niatkan qurban and do the akad2 thing tuu..last year papa bagi dekat my this year, my turn la pulak.. overall, it wasssss fantasticccccc yawwwhh! nex year papa kata nak qurban lagi .. aaahhh sukeeeeee ! :D

here's some of the pic..taken by papa :D

my cow yg comel lagi cun ! no.7 lagi..james bond yawhh :p

minutes before the qurban...

pak cik tak-tau-nm-apa tgh bg tips utk qurban :)

lembu saya tetap cun dan comel sbb die dah slmt diqurbankan..may u rest in peace :)

p/s - ignore the boots that i wore..i takut kalau2 ada pacat yg sesat pegi panjat i pny kaki , so hape lagiii....grab the boots laa! pinjam papa pny :p n i did notice, those wearing boots sumenya pakcik2.. hope they welcomed me with open arms utk join diorg pny club :)


sorry . no pics for this . eh kenapa nak kena sorry dkat you all plak,i should've said sorry to myself sbb kena menaip . kalau ada gmbr , bleh save my potential and kinetic energy . HAHA .whatever

2nd day raya, my family buat makan2 sket sbb some of my relatives balik . it's a must-do event bile diorg tu sume balik kelantan . haha . i loikkeee cuz time2 ni laa i akan berada di dapur almost 12 hours..kalau tak waktu nak lunch jelaa masuk dapur n masak2.. n now i realized that i memang suke masaaakkkkk ! OMG .. adakah ini simptom utk jd isteri solehahhh?awwww..gediks!

*** THIRD DAY RAYA - hari ni laaa! ***

bosan . but this evening , went out with my family utk cari kain utk buat baju for my uncle's wedding . i didnt design my baju yet..nak buat baju ke dress ke ape blum decide x bleh nk beli kain lagi...bile baju xdecide lagi,material apatah lagi :D teringin nak buat jubah kaftan yg mcm butterfly gileeeee bleh takk...nak nak nak my mom mcm x kasi jehh sbb die kate kalau buat bleh pkai time tu je laaa...xkan pegi kelas nak pakai jubah kaftan kot? melampauu . so any more ideas guys? hihiii

n btwy, on the way nak keluar tu, lalu depan S.I.C [mister m.e pny skola] and tibe2 nampak mister m.e keluar from his car . die nampak i and i nampak die . tp masing2 buat2 x nampak .

but last2 , my mom jgk yg tegur

"eh td bukan eqbal ke?"

and i was like

"ha' la kot..die pegi main bola la tu kot..eheh"

n my mom replied

"haduii..mcm bdk skolah je nampak"


mister m.e ! satu compliment from ur soon to be mother in law . be proud of that ! :D

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