i feel boring because there's nothing i can do to fill my days..but somehow i'll miss this boring feeling when i go back to shah alam next week..
and speaking of going back , I DONT WANT TO GO BACK! oh i have always been like this since the first time i went out of state to further my study..
can u imagine , i went to an all girls school from standard 1 to form 5, then tiba tiba bila nak msuk tertiary level, kena mix around with the boys..like it's a newwwwww environment that i have to adapt..but alhamdulillah..the environment was okay so far..
then , dahlaaa kena mix dgn boys, pastu kena pulakk duduk mcm asrama..well,it's not really an asrama but sort of la kan..i mean u cnt go home after class like i always did before when i was schooling..kalau balik pun, just balik kolej..except for weekends sbb some of us stay area selangor or kl or negeri sembilan..so hapee lagi,tiap2 minggu cabut balik..and yes, i do feel jealous each time diorg kata diorg nak balik..huuuuu..time tu,hati ni mmg kena kuat gile..but sometimes,i couldnt hold it anymore, so apa lg, nangesssssss laa..
yelaa..takkan nak halang diorg balik rumah plak..well,i believe in this quote "kita akan rasa happy bile kite tgk org yg kite syg tu happy walaupun berat hati kite nak terima bnda tu" like i said , mmglah berat hati nii ditinggalkan tiap2 minggu dgn perasaaan homesick segala bagai , but seeing them happy boleh balik rumah and spent time ngan family makes me feel happy too..
i may not have shed tears in front of u guys because i was crying in the inside..and thanks to misterloveqbal for accompanying me during the weekends..tak tahulah kenapa,when im with him , i felt like im home with my family..rasa homesick teruuuuusss lenyaaapp seyh! thanks Allah for giving me this guy :)
kadang2 tu hati dah cakap "after this dah tanak keluar dahhh..nak duduk rumah,dobi baju,n buat apa yg patut" tapiii bila tgk diorg tu sume balik rumah masing2 , terus rasa homesick tu muncul . then cpt2 text misterloveqbal , tanya die free ke tak this weekend, and if die free.."oyeaaahhhhh turun kl laggiiii this weekend!" haha..eventho penat sbb keluar seawal pkul 9 pagi then balik around pkul 10.30 malam, tapii still happy gile mcm pegi travel ke europe dgn famly tershayangggggg..awwh2! and you know what ? i think i wud not feel homesick if they didnt balik during weekends..hahahaa.. [ huh..nak salahkan org lain pulak, kalau hati tu dah lembik , mmg dh xleh nak buat apa dah punnn] >.<
hokaylahh...i think i wanna stop now.. eh,macam tergantung je i pny post this time..ahh lantaklah..im writing this to myself..lantak apa org nak kata, janji im satisfied with it . okay ayt selfish gileee :p
toodles ! ^.^
December 27, 2010
December 25, 2010
my side ambition ;p
waaaaa wuuuuu weeee
i got bored just now..so pergi dkat satu blog ni..n i found something..terusss mode gatal menguasai diri..woahahahaa...
plus it's interestingggggggggg yawwwwh!
checkkkk thissss out baybehhh :D

awwhhh...he's adorableeeeeee!hahahaa...tp baby yg sbenar mmg takkan jd mcm ni la kann...putih gebuuuu mcm ni..mmg tak la kann..sbb nya mummy and dadddyyy dieee tak seputih ituu..hahaa..
tapi org tua2 pesan kalau nak anak berkulit cerah kena minum air soyaaaaa...betul ke? hmmm...takpela..belum cuba belum tahu..haha!if that helps la kannn..insyaAllah
cehh...post kali ni mmg tak leh blaahh btul..gaya mcm newly wed yg mmg tak sabar2 nk dpt babyyyy...ahaha..
tapi tak salah kann? CITA-CITA tuuu weyyy :p
apa-apa pun...i nk idup happy je lps nih..lantak laaa apa yg nk jd, sbb ini duniaaa sahaja..tak kekal punn..kaaannn2? hihii
p/s - entry kali ni mmg gedik habes . i know :D
December 20, 2010
encik VW , u made me raised the white flag =')
i feel like crying....again! huu...but this time,i have my own reason for that..just now,i went into my room and suddenly saw my sis crying..i thought it was her usual behaviour after watching korean movies,anime, bla3..
so i was like "ohh come onnnnnnnn...why do u have to waste ur tears over a stupid comics [manga] when you know that they're not even exist.." *bajett engkauuu tak nanges lah tgk citer2 sedihhh niiih???" hihi..
ok fine , i pun sama . biasaaa lah, kakak borek adik rintik . ehh, am i using the correct pepatah ? ahh..whatever..
so my sis pun cakap "it's not about manga..it's something else"
hape lagi, terusss tersentaaaaap haaa!
then si adik ini terusssss memberi warning "promise me u wont laugh if i tell u?"
"yes i promiseee" dgn nada ke-kakak-an . hihi :p
then she pointed her finger towards the screen and i looked at it
and i said " alaaaaaaaaa rilekkss laaaaaa broo..jgn laa emotional sgt bebb"
then terussss landing dkat katil supersingle ini..
and yes, mata saya berkacaaaaaa . hoho
cant stop myself from crying .
*elehhh kau,td bukan main ckp jgn nk emo bla3 dkat adik..look who's talking beb ! *
inilah padah bercakap besar . oh me and my big mouth !
tak tau kenapa diri ini sgt emotional lately,maybe sbb *** kot..
apa2 pun, this is the thing that made me burst into tears

the last sentence is the climax for this teary part . huhuuu
i realized how much the VW means to him . selama ni kitorang duk sibuk ckp kat papa "jual je laaa paa kete tuu..dah bnyak kali masuk workshop dah , buang duit je repair bende tu.."
tapi papa still .. x putus2 pegi repair . kejap aircond buat hal..kejap brake , and banyak kali kejap laaa..papa sayang gile dkat kete tuu..because that's his first car..and that car has given him a lot memories to be cherished..dah lebih 20 tahun kete tuu berjasa dkat papa . tiap2 hari pegi keje, kete tuu la yg bawak die ke hulu ke hilir , anta ank pegi skulah and bla3..eventhough he has another 2 cars , but still..the vw jgk yg plg die sayang..
because of him , i mula percayakan the quotes "money can't buy love" because it's true , the toyota camry which he bought few years ago pun still cant beat his beloved VW . eventhough the price is waaaayyyyyy expensive compared to the vw.
betul la org kata , lelaki ni.. kalau die dah betul2 sayang dkat something , selamanya die akan sayang wlupun banyak halangan yg menentang . oh puitis nyee saya :D
sekurang kurangnya i dah sedar and tak mau dia jual bende tu lg daaahh..huu
i love you papa .
p/s : encik VW , kau berjaya menambat hati aku . kau dah buat papa aku happy dgn hidup dia , kau dah banyak berjasa dkat family aku yg aku sayang gile nak mampos ni , and kau dah buat aku sedar betapa kasih sayang ni mmg tak boleh di beli kat mana2 kedai pun . cuma hati yang ikhlas je yg boleh beli kasih sayang ni . and with that , I LOVE YOU encik VW :')
December 17, 2010
forever im in love with youuuu :)
the clock is ticking and it's 3 hours to goooooo! wooot2 ! :))
i know it's quite early for me to wish him now but why not? i'll be the first person to wish him ! ohhhh... *perasaaan*
anyhow ,
HAPPY becoming BIRTHDAAAAAY darling !
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you :D
anddd anddd anddd...guess what my mom said ? hehe
me : ari ahad ni nk tubik nga kebaaaa bleehh?
mom : bakpo?
me : celebrate birthday dioo..heeee *sambil tersipu2 maluu*
mom : oowhh...laaaaa...niny lagi tuo laa kironyo?
me : ngeeee *bigggg grin*
ohkayy..i didnt expect she would said that to me...hahaha! like seriously xsangka dia bleh sedar yg misterloveqbal ni lg muda 2bulan dari i..hmmm..tp xpelaaa janji dieeeee da bg greenlight utk celebrate birthday si diaaa :D thankssss umiii! u're the besst mother in the world ! hoho ;)
anyway, i made thisssss to replace birthday cards...so here's for you mohd eqbal bin ab rahim :)
i know it's quite early for me to wish him now but why not? i'll be the first person to wish him ! ohhhh... *perasaaan*
anyhow ,
HAPPY becoming BIRTHDAAAAAY darling !
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you :D
anddd anddd anddd...guess what my mom said ? hehe
me : ari ahad ni nk tubik nga kebaaaa bleehh?
mom : bakpo?
me : celebrate birthday dioo..heeee *sambil tersipu2 maluu*
mom : oowhh...laaaaa...niny lagi tuo laa kironyo?
me : ngeeee *bigggg grin*
ohkayy..i didnt expect she would said that to me...hahaha! like seriously xsangka dia bleh sedar yg misterloveqbal ni lg muda 2bulan dari i..hmmm..tp xpelaaa janji dieeeee da bg greenlight utk celebrate birthday si diaaa :D thankssss umiii! u're the besst mother in the world ! hoho ;)
anyway, i made thisssss to replace birthday cards...so here's for you mohd eqbal bin ab rahim :)
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December 12, 2010
i miss you so bad . i miss ur voice . i miss ur smile . i miss the way u laugh . i miss EVERYTHING about you :((
and if u read this, please contact me . sign in ur skype or just call me . i'll be waiting :(
and if u read this, please contact me . sign in ur skype or just call me . i'll be waiting :(
December 9, 2010
i feel like crying for no reason . imbalance hormone that is . i wanted to write down everything here but i just cnt do it . i need my diary for this . well , this blog has been my electronic-diary so far . but somehow it's very different from those diary that i've been keeping . my diaries are private . no one knows what's inside that diary .
i miss writing in my diary , i used to do that when i was schooling , now that im living far away from home , i just cudnt do it anymore . i dont want anybody to ever touch my diary so bringing it to puncak or wherever place is a bit risky . so that explain the existence of this blog if you wanna know . and yes , i do have 3 diaries that im still keeping it till now . reading them back make me curve into smile . well at least i know what had happened to me few years back . i was like "is this really me?" . yea , like i said , im having a hard time to believe that it was me who wrote it . the dates , the year , the time , the feeling ... it all came to me when i read it . believe it or not, it's just like a time machine where u can go back to the memories , but of course without changing it . that's the fact . seriously , i miss doing it :(
somehow , i miss the past . we've been thru a lot of things together but in the end , i wasnt the one that u choose to be with . things are changing so fast . the only thing i hope is that we can always meet each other so u wont forget me . though i know , i can never be the one . im thinking to escape , i mean like running away far from u , bcuz i know i wont be the one . but that will only hurt my feelings even more . i dont have that much money , that courage and everything , but i just want u to know , i miss us :(
p/s - just dont ask who . let me keep it to myself .
misterloveqbal , dun worry..it's not u..it's a good thing that i have u bcuz i know u wont leave me like they do . thanks for the love syg . u coloured my life :)
i miss writing in my diary , i used to do that when i was schooling , now that im living far away from home , i just cudnt do it anymore . i dont want anybody to ever touch my diary so bringing it to puncak or wherever place is a bit risky . so that explain the existence of this blog if you wanna know . and yes , i do have 3 diaries that im still keeping it till now . reading them back make me curve into smile . well at least i know what had happened to me few years back . i was like "is this really me?" . yea , like i said , im having a hard time to believe that it was me who wrote it . the dates , the year , the time , the feeling ... it all came to me when i read it . believe it or not, it's just like a time machine where u can go back to the memories , but of course without changing it . that's the fact . seriously , i miss doing it :(
somehow , i miss the past . we've been thru a lot of things together but in the end , i wasnt the one that u choose to be with . things are changing so fast . the only thing i hope is that we can always meet each other so u wont forget me . though i know , i can never be the one . im thinking to escape , i mean like running away far from u , bcuz i know i wont be the one . but that will only hurt my feelings even more . i dont have that much money , that courage and everything , but i just want u to know , i miss us :(
p/s - just dont ask who . let me keep it to myself .
misterloveqbal , dun worry..it's not u..it's a good thing that i have u bcuz i know u wont leave me like they do . thanks for the love syg . u coloured my life :)
December 7, 2010
Dear John
i watched this movie and i cried :'( ohhh how i wish i cud be that strong . well i hope i'll be . anyhow , i just found out this song and im in love with it :)
this is for you mohd eqbal bin ab rahim .
this is for you mohd eqbal bin ab rahim .
to light the night , to help us grow
December 5, 2010
it's shopping timeeeeee ! :))
oh hey i got an extra murtabak maggi , want some ?? eheh
i went down to the kitchen just now with my sis, sara . we were both hungry . like really hungry . we had our dinner at 6pm . ok this is the new diet plan ; no food after 7pm ! well, the theory is , the food u eat takes 4 to 5 hours to digest . normally people will sleep at 11pm . so they shud have their dinner at 6pm . the result - no such thing as pot-bellied . uhh stop this crapping thingy will u .
and because we were too hungry , i made murtabak maggi . cut it into 8 pieces . so it's like 4 pieces for her , and 4 pieces for me. but in the end , sara managed to finish all the 4 pieces and me ? ohh...i cud only finished 2 . i was hungry before i made murtabak maggi..but then after that ,the hungry-ness seemed to run away . ohh selaluu jadi mcm niii...seriously i xboleh makan kalau makanan tu i yg masakk...hmm...susahlaaa nanti bile dah kawenn..mampos tiap2 hari berlapar sbb xleh nk makan..hahaa..i guess the only way nak kasi nafsu makan ni menurun is to cook la kot. hahaha >.<
and oh ohhh...tomorrow im goin out with the babesss laaagii...weeee! we just hung out last thursday , x ada pic pun sbb trlalu excited jumpaa mereka2 ituu...all we did cumalah bergossip dari mula2 i pick up diorg smpai laaa nk hntar diorg blk.. ohh i miss them likeeee crazy ohkayyy...bergelak ketawaaa tak habes2..*ishh...tgh drive pun bleh ketawa besar..sgt bahaya!* haha . sbb bleh mengalihkan tumpuan semasa mendriving..bla3 whatever..yg pnting, i misss them like craaazy ohkaayyy !
okayla,i think i shud stop now before it gets worse.. just ignore the whole crap thing . i know it's deeply annoying
toodlesss !
December 2, 2010
i miss this :))
= 2 big pillows , 1 small pillow, tott tott , bubee the heart-shaped pillow, and a bolster!
= 2 big pillows , 1 small pillow, tott tott , bubee the heart-shaped pillow, and a bolster!
= err...forgot..somewhere in march i think?
= err...bengong? hahahaa...
= papa,umi,and mr.loveqbal
= still in paris >.<
= had my lunch
= year end semester break
= papa hates travelling, so i guess that answers the ques
= "deleteeee dohhhhhh"
= belgium choc by haagen dasz . sumpah best gileeee . nyum2
= air siraaapp?
= long sleeve shirt and brown jeans? cuz i just got back home
= nasii sumateraaaa...sedaaap!
= sadly no..but will do it next week! >.<
= i dont usually run cuz i hate running..
= futsal ? hihii ... bcuz he's one of the player .
= mecca and europe ! :))
= ohh...i dont have any
= yes n i hate it :O
= no ?
= no..thank God.. n i still remember my friend,Sue K accidently dropped her GUESS watch, down into the toilet bowl and she came out almost crying..duhh,like throwing away RM500 cash?
= like it's a must? :D [seee?]
= yeaaa...but i hate the taste of it..feels like drinking the pipe water?
= "yeahh it workssss!!"
= yeass... :)
= ohh...shopping with the babesss?
= in front of the tv ?
= external hard disk?
= silver
= kangarooooooooo comel . hihii :)
= yurp and it's scaaaryy
= dont know and will never know cuz im not interested
= hit the drive thruuuuuuu...why waste ur time looking for a car park ?
= told u already, i dont have a myspace !
= hello, im a muslim?
= mr.LovEqbal
= yeaaa..going to mrs.Chu's..nak buat dress for my uncle's wedding >.<
= pretty much of that :)
= in my room,on my bed ?
= having a sis who keeps pushing me to download the movie "rapunzel a tangled tale" .
= fireworks by katy perry
= rapunzel a tangled tale . just finished downloading it .
= bamboo ?
= vincci polka dotss?
= no , why would i ?
= no
= how should i know ?
= nope..but one of my friends will get married this month .
= quite :D
= on9 , sleeping , hang out
= nope
= haha...yea especially when im answering the phone
= 4 or 5
= 20 ! ohhhh...no more 'teen'
= nahhh
= fell of the bike?
= both
= internet.
= depends
= neither
= ford
= both
= digital sudehhh..dslr tu dahla berat , lenguh tgn nak pegang :p
= big is hot , small is cute :D
= writing , cuz reading can make me feel sleepy
= both
= summer
= winter
= beach ! :))
= east
= erhh...neither
= more to a listener i guess :)
= both >.<
= there's no 7am during holidays :D
= shower
= adjustable rings
= necklaces
= neither
= im not that crazy to do that
= neither
= snow ! rain is common...eheh
= lightning..bcuz thunder gives out noise..
= blue..but apple green can be acceptable :)
= white...kataa budaakk suciii..hihii ;)
= purple
= yellow
= brown
= neither
= neither..i hate sports
= nahh
= tennis..hahaa..ok i love playing it but i dun have that much energy to play it consistently..
= skateboarding looks cool ! hihii
= rollerblading !
= fishing
= there's no such thing as horror movies in my vocab
= drama..i hate actions,thrillers..anything relates to it
= warner bro's..
= err...apakahh?
= neither..i hate western food
= the latter :)
= wendy's
= both..but im more to kfc la kot since ada bnyk choice to eat
pizza hut or domino's ?
= neither..i dont eat pizza
= what the heck?
= chickennn!
= mashed it
= onion
= chicken nuggets
= hot dogs
= the latter laaa..i dont eat cheese
= ice creaaaaaaaaaaaamm!
= chips
= depends..
= choc choc!
= snickers :))
= neither.
= neither too
= take 5
= kissesss..mmwaaahhhxxxx ;)
= ntah
= crunch bar
= dark is good..milk is too fatty :p
= forever jeansss..n im looking for grey jeans now >.<
= tshirt
= babydoll
= heelssssss ! my oh my :D
= gorgeous boots please!
= flip flops :)
= jackass cool !
= laguna beach
= what the?
= grey's...but scrubs pun okay je :D
= uhh..i rarely watch csi so i cnt differentiate between these two
house or E.R :
= ER, reminds me of the good old days . but housee is waaay cooler ! haha
= dont watch this series
= neither
= dunno :p
= bones
= american idol
= dunno
= the life of ryan
= both
= 30 seconds to mars !
= never heard of these
= neither
= neither too.
= neither three :p hihi
= papa roachh
= both
= neither
= linkin park.
= mcr
= err?
= faith hill..
= bothhhhhhhhh :D
= dont know
= tim mcgraw
= neither
= neither.
= neither too
= dixie chicks! wah..dah lama xdgr laguu diorg
= jayZ
= neither
= lil wayne laaahh
= young jeezy
= chamillionaire :D
= where do they come from anyway? xknal pun
= ludacris..
= bubba sparx pun okayy jgk..ntahlah,both kot..
= neither
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