i feel like crying....again! huu...but this time,i have my own reason for that..just now,i went into my room and suddenly saw my sis crying..i thought it was her usual behaviour after watching korean movies,anime, bla3..
so i was like "ohh come onnnnnnnn...why do u have to waste ur tears over a stupid comics [manga] when you know that they're not even exist.." *bajett engkauuu tak nanges lah tgk citer2 sedihhh niiih???" hihi..
ok fine , i pun sama . biasaaa lah, kakak borek adik rintik . ehh, am i using the correct pepatah ? ahh..whatever..
so my sis pun cakap "it's not about manga..it's something else"
hape lagi, terusss tersentaaaaap haaa!
then si adik ini terusssss memberi warning "promise me u wont laugh if i tell u?"
"yes i promiseee" dgn nada ke-kakak-an . hihi :p
then she pointed her finger towards the screen and i looked at it
and i said " alaaaaaaaaa rilekkss laaaaaa broo..jgn laa emotional sgt bebb"
then terussss landing dkat katil supersingle ini..
and yes, mata saya berkacaaaaaa . hoho
cant stop myself from crying .
*elehhh kau,td bukan main ckp jgn nk emo bla3 dkat adik..look who's talking beb ! *
inilah padah bercakap besar . oh me and my big mouth !
tak tau kenapa diri ini sgt emotional lately,maybe sbb *** kot..
apa2 pun, this is the thing that made me burst into tears

the last sentence is the climax for this teary part . huhuuu
i realized how much the VW means to him . selama ni kitorang duk sibuk ckp kat papa "jual je laaa paa kete tuu..dah bnyak kali masuk workshop dah , buang duit je repair bende tu.."
tapi papa still .. x putus2 pegi repair . kejap aircond buat hal..kejap brake , and banyak kali kejap laaa..papa sayang gile dkat kete tuu..because that's his first car..and that car has given him a lot memories to be cherished..dah lebih 20 tahun kete tuu berjasa dkat papa . tiap2 hari pegi keje, kete tuu la yg bawak die ke hulu ke hilir , anta ank pegi skulah and bla3..eventhough he has another 2 cars , but still..the vw jgk yg plg die sayang..
because of him , i mula percayakan the quotes "money can't buy love" because it's true , the toyota camry which he bought few years ago pun still cant beat his beloved VW . eventhough the price is waaaayyyyyy expensive compared to the vw.
betul la org kata , lelaki ni.. kalau die dah betul2 sayang dkat something , selamanya die akan sayang wlupun banyak halangan yg menentang . oh puitis nyee saya :D
sekurang kurangnya i dah sedar and tak mau dia jual bende tu lg daaahh..huu
i love you papa .
p/s : encik VW , kau berjaya menambat hati aku . kau dah buat papa aku happy dgn hidup dia , kau dah banyak berjasa dkat family aku yg aku sayang gile nak mampos ni , and kau dah buat aku sedar betapa kasih sayang ni mmg tak boleh di beli kat mana2 kedai pun . cuma hati yang ikhlas je yg boleh beli kasih sayang ni . and with that , I LOVE YOU encik VW :')
niny, sumpah sedih gila!! kt pon mengalir kot bace.
ReplyDeleteha'ah sedih gila weyhhhh :(
ReplyDeletezaty and naz - tauu takpe! akuu mmg nanges kot time nampak komen die tuu..huhuuu..thanks for reading :)
ReplyDeletewelcome :)
ReplyDeleteoh.. begitu..
ReplyDeletetp few yrs ago, ak dah bjaya suro bapak ak jual kereta peninggalan atok aku dlu sbb menyemak sangat.. haha..
hrp2 bapak ak x syg kereta tu mcm daddy u niny :D
hahahahaa...ohh die jenis yg setiaaaa..kalau boleh sume brg yg die pny die xnak buang..die nak sume brg die sntiasa ada ngan dia..wlupon brg tuu dah rosak,die still nak simpan..ni laaa ayah aku..hahahaa.. :D
ReplyDeletelike..same as my papa..that morris is more that 20 years..he still want me to use it..same mechanical probs with ur VW..i can feel the way u feel that..hehe
ReplyDeletehhhaaa..we're in the same boat then ;) ur papa is just like my papa [referring to their hobbies okay] :D