December 5, 2010

it's shopping timeeeeee ! :))

oh hey i got an extra murtabak maggi , want some ?? eheh

i went down to the kitchen just now with my sis, sara . we were both hungry . like really hungry . we had our dinner at 6pm . ok this is the new diet plan ; no food after 7pm ! well, the theory is , the food u eat takes 4 to 5 hours to digest . normally people will sleep at 11pm . so they shud have their dinner at 6pm . the result - no such thing as pot-bellied . uhh stop this crapping thingy will u .

and because we were too hungry , i made murtabak maggi . cut it into 8 pieces . so it's like 4 pieces for her , and 4 pieces for me. but in the end , sara managed to finish all the 4 pieces and me ? ohh...i cud only finished 2 . i was hungry before i made murtabak maggi..but then after that ,the hungry-ness seemed to run away . ohh selaluu jadi mcm niii...seriously i xboleh makan kalau makanan tu i yg masakk...hmm...susahlaaa nanti bile dah kawenn..mampos tiap2 hari berlapar sbb xleh nk makan..hahaa..i guess the only way nak kasi nafsu makan ni menurun is to cook la kot. hahaha >.<

and oh ohhh...tomorrow im goin out with the babesss laaagii...weeee! we just hung out last thursday , x ada pic pun sbb trlalu excited jumpaa mereka2 ituu...all we did cumalah bergossip dari mula2 i pick up diorg smpai laaa nk hntar diorg blk.. ohh i miss them likeeee crazy ohkayyy...bergelak ketawaaa tak habes2..*ishh...tgh drive pun bleh ketawa besar..sgt bahaya!* haha . sbb bleh mengalihkan tumpuan semasa mendriving..bla3 whatever..yg pnting, i misss them like craaazy ohkaayyy !

okayla,i think i shud stop now before it gets worse.. just ignore the whole crap thing . i know it's deeply annoying

toodlesss !

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