ately i was quite busy..then,tambah plak ngan line 3G yg sememangnya sial tahap vavuunn..
lagi la xbleh on9..dunnolaa...
before this,the line was quite ok,laju gak connection..
then after i came back here last week,dah jd jenggg bak kata kelantanese..
ask kak wan n naz TEKA,they said the same thing too..connection sucks!
then i tried to ask sum1 bout this but no one knows why this thing happened..
asked fain,n slumber badak die ckp
"celcom 3G dah kena H1N1" wahahaha...
* last tuesday [august 4th] *
i went for a jog..just a short jog..with the girls..the 5 of them..
fain,farah,naz,tikah,n fairuz..
actually,i went there cuz naz yang ajak,.smgt giler dieee nk pi joging..ahhaa...
me?err...adelaa smgt a bit..but that day,i didnt actually jog..
cuz fain wasnt well n i had to look after her..[chewaahh..bajet baik woo]
went to a playground nearby..n i was like soooooooo excited to see the playground..
banyakk sgt gelongsor,see-saw,buaian n bla2..
oowh..rinduu dowh nk main those thing..[guess i am a bit childish]
last time i played was during the 1-week hols with the babes..
misss them..sob2..
then,tgh syok main tu...
"...kling kling kling kling"
came a ice-cream vendor..hoho..
ape lg,seraangggg ituu pakcik!
i was running after him like crazy [xtau malu btol]cuz teringin sgt nk makan eskrem..hehee...
n suddenly
forgot to bring the purse looorrrrhhh!!!
then,with a thick face[muka tebal],
i asked fain for some money..heeee[sggup dowh pinjam duit demi eskrem] n farah said
"fain dah jd cam mak plak..n niny jd ank die"
wahahaha...okey2..i get it..i was soo eager of getting the ice cream that i myself didnt realize that i was acting like a little girl who's asking her mom for money to buy the ice cream..hehe
* satisfaction * [cuz dh dpt eskrem tu]
about 730pm...bertolak pulang ke rumah masing2..
walked with satisfaction smbil mndengar azan maghrib..hee
n i realized one thing that
there's no such thing as jogging in my vocab
joggingku adalah tambahkan lemak..weeeee
ately i was quite busy..then,tambah plak ngan line 3G yg sememangnya sial tahap vavuunn..
lagi la xbleh on9..dunnolaa...
before this,the line was quite ok,laju gak connection..
then after i came back here last week,dah jd jenggg bak kata kelantanese..
ask kak wan n naz TEKA,they said the same thing too..connection sucks!

then i tried to ask sum1 bout this but no one knows why this thing happened..
asked fain,n slumber badak die ckp
"celcom 3G dah kena H1N1" wahahaha...

* last tuesday [august 4th] *
i went for a jog..just a short jog..with the girls..the 5 of them..
fain,farah,naz,tikah,n fairuz..
actually,i went there cuz naz yang ajak,.smgt giler dieee nk pi joging..ahhaa...
me?err...adelaa smgt a bit..but that day,i didnt actually jog..
cuz fain wasnt well n i had to look after her..[chewaahh..bajet baik woo]
went to a playground nearby..n i was like soooooooo excited to see the playground..
banyakk sgt gelongsor,see-saw,buaian n bla2..
oowh..rinduu dowh nk main those thing..[guess i am a bit childish]
last time i played was during the 1-week hols with the babes..
misss them..sob2..

then,tgh syok main tu...
"...kling kling kling kling"
came a ice-cream vendor..hoho..
ape lg,seraangggg ituu pakcik!
i was running after him like crazy [xtau malu btol]cuz teringin sgt nk makan eskrem..hehee...
n suddenly

forgot to bring the purse looorrrrhhh!!!
then,with a thick face[muka tebal],

i asked fain for some money..heeee[sggup dowh pinjam duit demi eskrem] n farah said
"fain dah jd cam mak plak..n niny jd ank die"
wahahaha...okey2..i get it..i was soo eager of getting the ice cream that i myself didnt realize that i was acting like a little girl who's asking her mom for money to buy the ice cream..hehe
* satisfaction * [cuz dh dpt eskrem tu]
about 730pm...bertolak pulang ke rumah masing2..
walked with satisfaction smbil mndengar azan maghrib..hee
n i realized one thing that
there's no such thing as jogging in my vocab

joggingku adalah tambahkan lemak..weeeee
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