im missing the babes..!!i know it's like too early for me to say this,but what can i do?i totally
miss them...most of them dah pun bertolak menuju ke perantauan msing2..huuu..
a-one-week hols wasnt
enough for me to enjoy myself..honestly i felt like it was only yesterday i arrived here,eventho it has been a week im here...huuu...
i can still remember when teliks phoned me when i just finished doing my kesatria thingy last 2 weeks
she called me n asked
"naiiiii....mum xse balik kooo..."
"mestiilaaa nop blk..."
"blklaaa...kitoram menanti kepulanganmuu.."
"hahahahaha...okie2...ak pom rinduu thp gabammm ko sepmum"
then i took of the flite n arrived here...n the next day,they came to my house...brought along ns sup lido..
one of my fav,but i duunno why i didnt feel like eating 'em when they asked me whether if i want it or not..huuu...
the first person i hugged was melim,yaarr...like she entered my house tanpa segan silu...wahahhaa..i knew it was u by the sound of ur 'koya-malu' voice...heeee...jz kdim lim..=p [biloo ms sepkitoo reti maluu owh dihh]..ahhahaa...
then we went to the airport to wave sue K gudbye cuz she's leaving to uia..well..her mid sem break was over..n thank God i had the chance to meet her..cuz i dunno whether i cn celebrate this year's raya with them or not,.huuuu...[sayu2] huukk8..
kami menggila di airport..laughed here and there..jumping around as if no one was there...
we enjoyed ourselves to the max[almost] n how happy i was cuz dh lm x ketawa n gelak mcm tuu..
i miss that moments so bad..i miss the moments when im with them...
the moments where i can totally be me,burping n farting like no one cares,be a super duper loud person... mengada2 n koya2 with them..
they're not annoyed of my kegilaaan cuz they know the real me..
in fact,we're all the same...hahaha..
aku koya,kau koya...sumo koya!ahhahaa...
n we're totally the photoholic..
we luv taking pics cuz by them we can cherished the memories we created...heee...
we can go wild in front of the cameras..that' s us for sure..heee...
i miss being wild with them..cuz they're the only one i can show the wild side of me..HAHAHAA..
sy kam pemaluu..
[but not with the babes] hekhek
so,im using this oppurtunity to wish sumtin for them..
STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE! [ehek2...ini motto skulahs si die] =p
mwaahhhhxXx2...flying kisses to the 14 babes..

im missing the babes..!!i know it's like too early for me to say this,but what can i do?i totally
miss them...most of them dah pun bertolak menuju ke perantauan msing2..huuu..
a-one-week hols wasnt
enough for me to enjoy myself..honestly i felt like it was only yesterday i arrived here,eventho it has been a week im here...huuu...
i can still remember when teliks phoned me when i just finished doing my kesatria thingy last 2 weeks
she called me n asked
"naiiiii....mum xse balik kooo..."
"mestiilaaa nop blk..."
"blklaaa...kitoram menanti kepulanganmuu.."
"hahahahaha...okie2...ak pom rinduu thp gabammm ko sepmum"
then i took of the flite n arrived here...n the next day,they came to my house...brought along ns sup lido..
one of my fav,but i duunno why i didnt feel like eating 'em when they asked me whether if i want it or not..huuu...
the first person i hugged was melim,yaarr...like she entered my house tanpa segan silu...wahahhaa..i knew it was u by the sound of ur 'koya-malu' voice...heeee...jz kdim lim..=p [biloo ms sepkitoo reti maluu owh dihh]..ahhahaa...
then we went to the airport to wave sue K gudbye cuz she's leaving to uia..well..her mid sem break was over..n thank God i had the chance to meet her..cuz i dunno whether i cn celebrate this year's raya with them or not,.huuuu...[sayu2] huukk8..
kami menggila di airport..laughed here and there..jumping around as if no one was there...

we enjoyed ourselves to the max[almost] n how happy i was cuz dh lm x ketawa n gelak mcm tuu..
i miss that moments so bad..i miss the moments when im with them...
the moments where i can totally be me,burping n farting like no one cares,be a super duper loud person... mengada2 n koya2 with them..

they're not annoyed of my kegilaaan cuz they know the real me..

in fact,we're all the same...hahaha..
aku koya,kau koya...sumo koya!ahhahaa...
n we're totally the photoholic..
we luv taking pics cuz by them we can cherished the memories we created...heee...
we can go wild in front of the cameras..that' s us for sure..heee...
i miss being wild with them..cuz they're the only one i can show the wild side of me..HAHAHAA..
sy kam pemaluu..

[but not with the babes] hekhek
so,im using this oppurtunity to wish sumtin for them..
STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE! [ehek2...ini motto skulahs si die] =p
mwaahhhhxXx2...flying kisses to the 14 babes..

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