August 28, 2009

: let's shake it :

okey people..

i've just finished my AIS test an hour ago..

everybody is sleeping 'heaven'ly [dun trust my english]

me?no..i dont feel like sleeping yet..

maybe after i post this kot..

to tell u the truth..


rasa macam ta-hix aja test td...

i dont know if im the only one who thinks this..

but it's true!salute sama orang yang boleyh buat dgn super duper excellent ms test td..

i think i know why i didnt do well during that test..

mau tauu?

because i felt like i was in a disco,sdg syiokkk menari2 bsama kertas soalan ais yang entah hape2 itu..


cuz there was a black-out like....every 10 minutes?

n can u imagine,

u were enjoying urself anwering the ques when suddenly the bilik seminar went dark n u just cant see and read the ques carefully..

i know it's morning,shouldnt be dark..

tp lihatlah bilik seminar itu td..

quite gelap ok..n my eyes were like having culture shock..

kejap cerah,kejap gelap,kejap cerah,kejap gelap..

n my iris pun mcm kejap besar,kejap kecik,kejap bsr,kejap kecik..

[only plajar science je yg akan faham ape yg daku mksdkan itu]

sbb itu saya terasa seperti berada di disko..

n mood utk mjwb soalan2 itu sudah berubah mnjd mood utk menari2...


let's wait n c..

pray for me so that i cn get higher marks eventho i know the chance is so thin..

but who knows?miracles do happen aite?hehe

saya mau tidor dahulu...sapa mau join?


: till then :

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