August 12, 2009

X - plor - ace !! comes the blogging mood..hehee..

it has been like a week since i last type on my keyboard..busy siot!haihh

actually,nk story pasal sumtin yg sememangnya kenangan yg 'meaningful' bg s.a.y.a..hehee

last sunday,went to induk for aftas explorace..ubey sms-ed me the night before it saying that "pkul 730 kena bkumpul dkat pondok pngawal"..

oooookk...i was like damn shocked..730?!hel-lo!it's WEEKEND!kenapa mesti bgn awal?i was thinking,why didnt they do the xplorace at night?like what we did during the aftas carnival night..xde la nk kena bgn awal pg,n for sure,MANDI di awal pg..huihh

whatever,back to stories.

then,reached induk at about 830++? hmm..not sure cuz x tgk jam..

then,the comittee members of aftas pon did some briefing bout this race..there were 8 check points to be done,n NO BLACK RIBBONS if u want to win..[like i want] HEHE...n kak eton said,kitorang kena pusing satu induk by F.E.E.T! no water vehicles,no air vehicles,and semestinya no land vehicles!

ok..i was quite shocked..cuz imagine,induk itu luas!orang yang kecik mcam saya ini sudah tentu tidak mampu utk finish the race..hee

then,the race started,ran towards a pillar where they sticked the envelope[yg mgandungi peta]..first check point was TASIK CANSELERI..bapakkk jauhh nak mati ini,awal2 lg kitorang dah sesat![sbb salah bc peta] hoho..i admit that i dont have any sense of direction,even left and right pon kadang2 tertukar..apatah lg when it comes to read a map!haduuu...

kat TASIK CANSELERI,the game was
telefon rosak..this was quite challenging for me as i do have sound game yang kena hafal plus dgr elok2..hmm...both adalah kelemahanku..sigh..then game baling slipar jepun..[uhh..] n yey me!i scored once..twice for firdaus and 1 for salasiah?[forgot]

next,ke BUKIT TONGGEK..dah mmg tonggek pun ak bile sampai kat first,nk gelak jgk dgr nm tmpt ni..[cam xde nm lain lak],adhwa,firdaus n ummi played games where they have to tied balloons around their legs and walked without pecahkan itu belon,.tp last2 pecah,nak cover blk,2 members yg x main lg kena main..n that was me n this girl [lupe nm die..sowiii] but this time,no more balloons!tp mguji ketahanan perut!i was given a glass of jus peria n that girl plak,telur mentah!kena habiskan br dpt,by hook or by crook,i had to drink that juice..tgk colour pun dh xde slera nk minum..hijau berkelodak2..euuuuwwww yuckkksss!i could see that some girls n boys started to puke after they swallowed them,,n fyi,
saya dgn bangga nyaa dapat menghabiskan satu cawan jus peria tanpa rasa loya dan muntah..[cuz i was holding my breath when i drank 'em] ..hehee...ade yg kena makan sandwich petai..uhhh...bauu busuukk gile!if makan ngan nasik,ok ngan roti!gilakk btui..HAHAHAA

next,pergi ke FTMSK car park..kena jawab soalan pasal general knowledge n a bit of account studies..huu..n firdaus buat shuffle,[konon nye laa] hahahaa....saya agak terpinga2 kerana sy agak blur sedikit dlm skarang syukur dh ok..alhamdulillah..

next,went to the WALL CLIMBING..n guess what,i had to be the model for the recycle campaign..habis satu badan kena balut ngan old newspaper..adhwa,firdaus,umi n that girl sama2 bekerjasama membaluti tubuh saya yg kecil ini..n did some catwalk yang mcm robot yg bateri nya sudah rosak..

next,went to MENARA S&T..kena buat origami..sumpah xpandai!huu...last2 kitorang ade salah kat soalan "trademark toni fernandez" i was asking myself 'who the heck he is'..rupa2 nya,the manager of AIR ASIA!ak pandai naik jer benda tu,xtau pun sape manager die..ahhaaha

next,kat KENANGA BUILDING..kena carik gula2 lot 100 yang mango tuu kat dlm satu bekas full of tepung + kunyit...!kena cari plak,guna mulot jee okk...gilee sumpah ak nk batuk time tepung tuu ber'terbang' usaha msti dilakukan!oh yeahh..hehee...n last2,GULPPP!!tertelan tepung n kunyit tu mentah2 dowhh![forgot that there's kupung(kunyit+tepung) in my mouth] adehh...hahahaa..

next,off to DATARAN,two of the members must draw something to the leader's face which was ummi and i did the drawing part.then,have to create a trademark for our team yang dinamakan 'adik shauqi'..who's adik shauqi?......dont ask!hahahaa..then,all of the team members must draw something at their faces.n the theme was 'LOVE'..muke saya penuh dgn 'hati' dan terasa diri ini sgt loving gtu...wakakkaakkaa...

n finally,ke BANGUNAN HEP..this was the final checkpoint and thank God,we managed to get all the coloured ribbons..[no black ribbons ok?] yey us!at this checkpoint,we were asked to spin the coloured wheels which shows u the song that u need to sing.first2 dapat lagu mamat..tjuk die dah lupe..[cuz i dont like mamat..n his songs too] ahhaa...sorry mat..miahahhaa..[slambe je ak pggil camtu] hahaa..but then,after persuading abang[abang?eww..] yang in-charged kat c2,at last dapat gak buat another spin..n dapat lagu situasi by bunkface!yeyy!it was no big deal for me as i really like that song like crazy..teringat dkat si kura2 kesayangan cuz he's the one who promote lgu ni kat ak..RINDUUUU SAMA KAMOOO!hehe..n he said he's going back home tonite..wuaaaaaaaa...nop balik jugoppp!sobsob..

so thats the end of the story..hahaha..the explorace story la..hehe..

: till then :


  1. hahahaa...yelaa2..nk jugop ore timo kseh ko dio...tengs la yer..wlupom mum nipu ak oyk kul 530 kno kupo..ta-hix btul..ahahhaaa...
