im crazyyy again!
but this time.....CRAZIERRRRRR!!
u know what happened this morning?[forget the part where mgt is cancelled]
again,i was so touched by the news saying yg AIS IS ALSO CANCELLED!
ooouuuuuuu.....gimme a mic plis,i wanna shake my booty..miahahahaa..

alhamdulillah syukur nikmat,
uitm maju,
plajar selamat...
p/s : lyrics diubahsuai yer..demi mjaga maruah komposernya..
[slamat cuz xsiap buat mindmap]
maybe i can be a composer too..replacing yasmin ahmad?[eh..yasmin ahmad komposer ke?] ahh..dun care..heeeee
n btwy,heard that bel's class will be cancelled too...[hoping it will]
august 4th adalah hari yg mulia dan penuh makna bgku..
n not to forget..
stop being so pongohs n always carve a smile..
senyuman itu sedekahs taw..
believe me,she's the pongoh-est sis ever..even tigers n lions are afraid of her..[maybe]
udah2...mau siapkan ctu actually..tp bile dh cucuk brodben kat laptop,maka nafsu mem-blog pun membuak2..miahahhaa...
k,till then..
*wish me luck for my ctu..*
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