*this morning,at 7.45am*
[babak bersama si naz..]
niny : [just woke up]
naz : [make herself a glass of nescafe]
niny : naz,ko dah mandi lum?
naz : belum...
niny : [nodding n off to the shower]
.............lalalalalalaaa [mandi dgn 'GUMBIRA'nya]...........

n out of the blue..someone knocked the door[the toilet's door]
naz : ninyyy!!!!!!wey2...!!kelas mgt cancel dowhh..
niny : Huhhh??!!

dlm hati ini terdetik kenapa lecturer itu tidak membritahu kami awal2..??

u know how hard i was when i tried to get in to the shower?
it's not that im a kambing or lembu or whatever animals yg takutkan air tu...
it's just that......the weather was damn cold that i had to think twice,[no no..not twice,but trice] before i went into the shower cuz of the ke-SEJUK-an.. hahahaa..
get how cold it was?i bolded the word 'sejuk' n make it wayyy bigger making sure that everyone cn understand how cold i felt this morn..hehe [mmakso molep]
moral value of the scene : nampak sgt x pernah mandi awal pagi..miahahahaa

n without wasting my time..i would like to give some words to all..
dgn ini,beta menyampaikan utusan[not the newspaper ok] drpd puan rokiah,lecturer MGT...

hip2 hoooorayyyyyy...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love mgt!!!n puan rokiahhh!
nanti puan kena blanje i makan dkat kawah thai tauu...hikhik
p/s : kawah thai is her restaurant..situated near the uia?hahhaa...
: til then :
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