this aftanoon,terasa sgt mengantuk....never felt so sleepy like this before..especially in the aftanoon!the sun is like enjoying itself to brigten up people's day..n yeah,to heaten up this bumi alsoo..HAHAHA...
umi plak,always busy with her work..not that she's working,but as a very responsible yet lovely housewife,she has to do all those chores like everyday...
eventho she has a lovely daughter [koyaaaa owhh],that can help her do all those thing..but what to do?
her kids are soooooooooooooo in love with the bed n the pillows and the comforter!especially me..=D sorry mi...
i promise,i'll be a gud the future =]
sudahhhh2...jgn mau brangan lbih2..actually,last monday,june 8th,was umi's birthday...n we kinda like having parties for her...well,not really a party,but sort of majlis makan mlm...yeah!hahaa...
enjoy the pics!

at the same time,che cik n her husband,ayh yid was there too...they just came back from sarawak...
they live there,so it's like once a while,they will come to kb to visit us..n brought us many gifts..
those days,they gave us books..story books to read cuz they dun want us to like,spending our leisure time doing nothing...
so instead of shouting n yelling,why not read story books?hahahaa...
n yeah,i still have the collections that they gave us dulu2...
eg : peter rabbit...heheee...
this is it ..

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