feel so sleepy right now.....

i can see the pictures of my bed n my pillows now in my head..it's like they're waving at me now..
woke up really early today..
according to the original plan,we're planning on visiting syer's dad at 9..
cuz we want to wait for pilla's mom to finish her class [kelas mengaji] first..
but then,sam arrived here with her naza bestari together with pilla..without her mom..hahaaa..
dahla smlm on the phone ngan si kura2 till midnight..
but it's ok..
quite a long time xdgr si kura2's voice..kire cam mgubat laa..

*at syer's house*
there were lots of tok imam n the orang2 agama there..
cuz ms tuu,jenazah sdg dimandikan n tgh get ready utk dikafankan..huuuuu...
the environment was quite touching where i could see tears started to roll down on every one's cheek..including the boys n the man..huuu...
i was quite tergamam cuz it's been soo long i never seen a man's crying..
i used to think that men will never cry..but i guess i was wrong..
yurppp..totally wrong..they do cry especially when they lose sum1 they love..
they gave syer's dad the last respect..like i did too...huuuuu...
at 1pm,we left afta spending 3hours with syer,[hope u're ok now]..
sam nid to go home early cuz she have to fetch her bro at smsi at 1.30pm...
i plak,kul 2.40 kna fetch my sis at semenza...
await la lmbt sgt diorg ni blk...i am damn hungry now!
cant i just go n have my lunch now?

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