
im deeply stressed out...like TOTALLY..!!uhh...what's goin on with ym lately?gone crazy n stupid aaa!aiyoooo...mau chatim sama kura2 pom x bleh..haduuu...
* this evening,on the phone with teliks *
teliks : helo nai..mum tido ek?
me : helo..hahah...emm!tidoo..tp xpola,await?
teliks : ni ak nk oyp...ayh syer tenat dh..mai ah g nawat..
me : iyoo?oouuw..okie2..mum mai amik ak ekk?
teliks : ye laa...ak amik mumla...ale lph asar..
me : okie2..
*hung up the phone..n immediately get dressed..*
about 6pm++,we arrived at syer's house..
i could see that her mom shed tears when she hugged teliks mom..
i was soo touched..it made my eyes a lil bit teary..huuu..
but her mom said syer wasnt home yet..she's on the way..
n couple of minutes later,she arrived there wearing pink n black bj kurum together with her teacher from kolej mara kuala nerang...
she doesnt look sad at first,but when she saw her dad lying on the mattress,she started to burst into tears...i understand how she felt..soo deeply..huuuu..
she doesnt look sad at first,but when she saw her dad lying on the mattress,she started to burst into tears...i understand how she felt..soo deeply..huuuu..
n again,my eyes went teary cuz i could no longer hold it..huuuuu..
at 7pm+,we decided to leave cuz thaqeeb got tuition at 8..so we had to rush..
then,just now,around almost 11pm,i got an im from sam...
sam : nai,ayh syer ningga dohs!
me : iyoo?innalillahiwainnailaihirajiuunnn.....
then we planned on visiting syer n her family tomorrow morning..to give her dad the last respect..huuu...
at 7pm+,we decided to leave cuz thaqeeb got tuition at 8..so we had to rush..
then,just now,around almost 11pm,i got an im from sam...
sam : nai,ayh syer ningga dohs!
me : iyoo?innalillahiwainnailaihirajiuunnn.....
then we planned on visiting syer n her family tomorrow morning..to give her dad the last respect..huuu...
dear syer,be strong girl...i know it's hard to lose a father at this age..but what to do..
Allah s.w.t loves him more..always sedekah al fatihah n yaasin for ur dad..
im sure he'll be happy n glad to have u as a daughter..
if u nid us,just 'hello' us..we'll be there for you when u need us..
a friend inneed is a friend indeed..
hope we will be friends forever..amiiinnn =]
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